Financial Information
Ciena has a 52 or 53 week fiscal year, which ends on the Saturday nearest to the last day of October in each year. Our quarters also end on Saturdays, most often in 13-week increments, except during a 53 week fiscal year when there is one 14 week quarter. For purposes of financial statement presentation, we describe our quarters as ending on January 31, April 30, and July 31 and our fiscal year as ending October 31.
In addition to reporting GAAP results, Ciena breaks out unusual or extraordinary operating expenses each quarter so that investors can see their affect to GAAP results on an expense-by-expense basis.
Please click here to access Ciena's SEC filings.
General Information
Ciena does offer a mailing list for distribution of future company announcements. If you are interested in being placed on the distribution list, please email your request to
It is the Company's policy to not distribute research reports.
Ciena's investor relations hotline is (877) 243-627
Ciena completed its initial public offering on February 7, 1997 at a split-adjusted price of $18.50.
For a list of the companies Ciena has acquired, please see our website:
Ciena’s independent accountants are PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP, McLean, VA.
Ciena's transfer agent is Computershare Trust Company, N.A.
Ciena was incorporated in Delaware in November 1992.